Sunday 12 May 2013

Chapter 4


We were lucky to get a seat near the window. I sat at the window, looking out into the sea, the horizon. The horizon in the distance reminded me of Jason who was far away in Pohang. Jason... Are you alright..? How are you? What would you do if you found out I’m in the army? Where are you? Did you escape before the bomb?

I felt a tear slide down my right cheek. No. I can’t cry. Not now. I quickly brushed it off before anyone could see. I slumped further down into the chair, my face still turned and facing out of the window. Jason’s smile flashed into my mind. I let a small smile creep onto my poker face.

When the ship docked, Jessie and I, along with the other guys walked out. We both tried to keep a poker face on while walking. Jessie was frowning at the fact that some guy had pushed her. But she couldn’t scream at him or her voice would give her away. I kept my face stone hard with anger at the commies.

We assembled in squat position with a random platoon of guys. Thank God I joined the marching band for three years and knew all the drills. Thank goodness Jessie had learnt some drills while in the girl guides.

“NINJA COMPANY REPORT.” The commander(?) yelled.

“NINJA COMPANY REPORT FULL STRENGTH SIR.” The guys around us shouted.

Well, looks like I’m in the Ninja Company...



Okay. I’m not in platoon 1...


“PLATOON 2 FULL STRENGTH SIR.” the dudes around me shouted.

Ninja Company, Platoon 2. Got it.

Wonder if anyone will notice a new face? Nah. They shouldn’t. Hopefully.

“OK. Gentlemen. Singapore is at war. Understand? You are here, to protect the people, the land, the nation, the country. You are all MEN. I expect you to know that war, is not a game. It is ENTIRELY different from your Call Of Duty, Assassins Creed and all that. IS THAT CLEAR.”






“GOOD. Tomorrow morning, fall in 5am! NOW. COLLECT UNIFORM, GO TO BUNK AND REST.”

The guys clapped their hands twice and yelled, “NINJA!” while punching the air, before running up the block.

So this is Army... I thought.

Jessie and I queued up to collect our uniform. Behind me was a tall guy with a rather messy mohawk. He was chatting with his mates. They were all laughing rather rowdily. I rolled my eyes at them and Jessie saw. She laughed and punched my shoulder.

She hit me a tad too hard and I fell back, into the guy.

“OI!” He yelled.

“Sorry.” I turned around briefly and muttered, before turning back.

“Sorry? Sorry only?”

“Well what the f*ck do you want me to do? Fall to the ground, kiss your feet and yell up to the Heavens?” I retorted.

He seemed a bit taken aback.

“No. Just kidding... What’s your name?”

“Gi... I mean. Kian.”

“Cool I’m Tosh. Tosh Zhang. But some people know me as Tosh Rock.”

I nodded. Jessie was nudging me, chewing her lip.

“What?” I hissed.

“That’s... Tosh. Tosh Rock! Don’t you know?”

“Do I look like I do?”

“He’s the YouTuber. The rapper. He’s from the Grizzle Grind Crew.” Jessie hissed back.

Tosh must have heard.

“Hey. You know me?”

“No sh*t Sherlock.” I muttered.

“Oi Tosh! Who are you talking to?” his friend behind him jostled his way.

“Kian and...?”

“Bruce. Bruce Lee.” Jessie replied.

“HAHAHAHAHA! WHAT. BRUCE LEE? We’ve got a fighter in our platoon too. OI IP MAN! Come here and meet your disciple!”

A lanky boy with a huge mouth pushed through. “What disciple?” He asked.

“Dude’s name is Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee was IP Man’s disciple. HAHAHA” Tosh explained.

“Hey Bruce! My name is Noah Yap but my friends call me IP Man.”

“I HEARD BRUCE LEE.” A bespectacled guy walking past heard and stopped.

“Eh Maxi!” the guy who had jostled his way from behind Tosh earlier, called. He had slanting cheek bones and rather thick lips.

“Lobang!” Maxi, the bespectacled boy, said giving a hi-5.

“And you are?” Jessie asked.

“Weiliang. Some people call me Lobang.” He replied in Chinese, grinning. “Eh. Where’s Ridhwan and Muthu?”

“Both back in bunk. I think Muthu’s asleep. Ridhwan is probably in the toilet.”

“What company and platoon are you guys anyway?”  Tosh broke in.

“Ninja Comp. Platoon 2. Y’all?” I asked.

“Nice! Same!” A guy standing at the side of the group said.

“Haha!” Tosh said, giving him a bro fist. “New peeps in the platoon!”

I hadn’t noticed him before. It was the first time he said anything. I looked at him. His smile was so familiar... And his eyes had a particular, special shade of brown... His face looked so... familiar.... Where have I.....


His smile was like Jason’s..... Their eyes had the same special and unique shade of brown... Jason..........

Oh My God.

A/N: Ayyo~! Hahaha So in case y’all didn’t ALREADY know, I have created a twitter account! You can follow me and receive updates @abtmfanfics
I have also installed a chat box on my blog! But please. No dissing people, fandoms, etc. What do you think of the chappie? ^_^ Oh. BTW, I won’t be able to update for sometime... Exams are here. Gotta focus! But haiz. I’d rather write... :P Kk~ Buaii~~!! ^_^

XOXO ~Angel~

Nights Out! (Lobang AKA Weiliang)

Ok. All the ABTM crew are playing their characters in this oneshot so yeah. And I don’t THINK you get Nights Out in BMT... Cuz well, you’re in the middle of Tekong so yep. But imagine if there was.....

P.S. ~~~~~ah= your name ^_^
P.P.S. ********ah= your best friend’s name

“~~~~~ah! Are you done?” your best friend, **********ah , hollered at you.

It was ********ah’s boyfriend, Shawn’s, nights out. Shawn was serving NS in Ninja Company and this was the company’s first nights out.

She was understandably impatient as you were taking a long time. You wanted to look good when meeting the army boys. ********ah had long prepared, dressing nicely in a studded-collar dress shirt, a brown and orange checked skirt and a pair of Converse. Her hair was half-tied and wavy and she didn’t put on any make-up. You had a dark green tank top with a neon green half-jacket on as well as jeans and black converses.  


********ah had taken to banging on your door now. You flung it open and laughed. ********ah gave you a small glare before pulling you out and yanking you through the front door, grabbing both of your bags in the process.

Both of you giggled as you walked to the MRT station. You’d planned to take the MRT then the bus. Throughout the journey, y’all talked and laughed, drawing a lot of attention. After what seemed like forever, you reached the station where the platoon was supposed to arrive.

“How do I look? Is my hair alright?” ********ah started fretting.

You assured her that she looked fine just as the bus drew up.

The first to come running down the steps was a bespectacled, nerdy-looking boy. All the boys slowly began to file out.

“Babe!” A familiar voice called out.

Both of you swung around to see Shawn waving like mad at the two of you.

“Shawn!” ********ah exclaimed, running up and locking him in an embrace.

You grinned and hovered around them awkwardly.

“Wahseh Shawn! Never expect you to have two girlfriends siol! Power!” Some dude shouted.

His lips were thick and his eyes were droopy. You saw something cute in his facial features. Something rather attractive.

“F*ck you lah Lobang! She isn’t my girl!” *gestures at ********ah* “This is my baby girl!”

********ah beamed, proud that Shawn recognised her as so. You grinned at Lobang. Soon a group of guys surrounded ********ah.

“Wahliao... Eh. Your gf damn pretty. If you don’t want her give me!”

“Oi! You karang guni issit?”
“Eh Ismail! True what...”

“No! Her friend is prettier!” The guy with the thick lips laughed.

You blushed and looked to the left where the bus was, so your hair would cover your blush.

A certain soldier was taking his time in getting out of the bus. You sucked in your breath when you saw his face. Sharp chin, slanted cheekbones, a hidden smirk... Your eyes gawked. You did a double take. He was what you’d call FIT.

“~~~~~ah... ~~~~~ah? ~~~~~AH! DAMN GIRL.” ********ah was waving her hands in front of your face. “You spaced out!”

“Hey Guys! Look! SGT really made it sia!”

All of you turned to find the platoon sergeant standing there with a grin on his face.



“Good Evening soldiers! Relax. I am here, for the food. Not to make you all drop 20. But Ismail! If you want, go back camp you can drop for me!”

“No sgt!” Ismail whined.

Sergeant eh? Hm... The platoon was starting to move off. One of the recruits had invited everyone to a chalet his parents had booked. You and ********ah weren’t the only girls. Some of the guys were proudly showing off their girlfriends. But what made both of you catch the most attention was the fact that the other girls looked as if they had spent hours doing themselves up. But you and ********ah looked as if you had only taken 15 minutes to throw on an outfit, apply some light makeup and still look effortlessly fabulous.

The bunch of you went to the chalet. When you reached, the smell of barbecue was floating through the air. The sea waves crashed against the shores nearby. After ditching their stuff in the closet room, the guys immediately fell on the food. You looked at *********ah who rolled her eyes at the guys. You both giggled. Boys will be Boys! XD

All of you laughed and continued chatting and eating. You made friends with some of the girls and all of you sat together, chatting and eating.

“Eh guys! Let me intro you all to my girl!” The boys’ sergeant suddenly called out, walking towards the group with his arm around a very beautiful girl.

“Hi!” She smiled.

“Wah. Sgt how you get gf so pretty. Eh sgt! Give tips!”

“Sgt! Real gf or your sister?”

“Sgt! You pay her come is it?”

There was a loud roar of noise.

“If your don’t stop teasing my girl, I make you all drop 50 for me now!” Sergeant Ong laughed.

“SORRY SGT!” The boys chorused.
‘Shit. He has a girlfriend... Of course...’ You thought silently.

You got up from the seat and said you were going to take a walk. Grabbing a can of Mountain Dew from the cooler, you strolled down the path and towards the shore. You climbed up the water break and sat down. The sunset was almost over. You heard a crack behind you. Spinning around, you saw Lobang climbing up the water break.
“Oh hey! Lobang right?” You said. “Need a hand?”

“Nope. Haha Sokay!” He grinned, hoisting himself up.

Both of you sat next to each other and watch the sky turn into a dark blue.

“I wish I could see the stars. There are too many lights here... I want to see the salt-on-seaweed kind of night sky... You know what I mean?” You said, turning to Lobang.

“Wha..?” He asked, dazed.

You laughed and shook your head. Lobang rolled his eyes and laughed too. You chatted together for a while. Both of you seemed to click together. You liked his sense of creativity and ideas. Not to mention his blurriness to what you said sometimes. You thought it sounded cute.

“So... I know we just met but... Mind being my gf?” Lobang suddenly said.

“WHAT?” You laughed.

You saw his face.

“Ok~” You replied, throwing your arms around his neck.

He laughed and hugged you back. Soon, you felt something warm and soft on your cheek. Teasingly, you turned your head until both your lips met.


“F*CK YOU IP MAN.” Lobang yelled.

You laughed and shook your head. Both of you got up and went for a walk along the shores, with Lobang’s arm around your shoulders. When you got back, there was a chorus of wolf-whistles from the guys and a squeal from the girls.

The guys toasted to Lobang while the girls jumped on you and asked you question after question. Especially **********ah.

Turning around, Lobang winked at you. You blushed and grinned at him. Looks like you two would have to find quiet time later.....

Friday 10 May 2013

Thanks for Header

I would like to thank my new friend for the header she made for me! I love it so much~ It's made the blog much more prettier! Shout out to her!

XOXO ~Angel~

Sunday 5 May 2013

Mini Imagine~! (When the boys are in Thailand)

Ayyo~! Just thought I'd do a little imagine for fun hahaha

Imagine this.....

You're sitting in a plane, going to Thailand for a short trip. You're dressed in your favorite outfit which made you look cute. Your hair was let down. And your shades were resting stylishly on your head like a hairband.

When the plane touched down, you went through customs, took your suitcase and hailed a cab. After sitting through the jams, you finally arrive at your hotel. You went to your room after checking in and immediately checked out the view.

From the balcony, you could see the sea. Awesome! You thought. You went to your suitcase and grabbed your black and purple bikini. After changing into it, you wore your Aztec-print, ripped jeans shorts and your loose, shoulder-exposed, neon top. You ran a brush through your hair and held it back with your shades again. You toss sunscreen, tanning oil, a beach towel, snorkeling gear and a suit of clothes into the beach bag you'd brought before pulling on your cork sandals.

You wondered about hailing another cab but decided not to. You got directions from the lady at the counter and set off. You walk down the roads, attracting a lot of attention. You plugged in your iPod and listened to music as you walked towards the beach. It was further than you thought but you made it anyway.

You scanned along the beach until you found an empty spot at the end. You traveled along the sand until you reached the end of the beach where it was full of rocks. You dumped your beach bag on the ground and unrolled your towel. You sat on the towel and applied tanning oil. The sun was in your eyes so you put the shades over your eyes.

Suddenly, a boy came running along and tripped over your beach bag! He showered sand all over the place.

"Are you alright?" You asked shocked.

"Yea. I'm fine... Sorry..." he groaned, sitting up.

His friend came running up behind him.

"Hahaha! Maxi! You ok?" His friend laughed.

"Screw you Tosh!" Maxi yelled, swiping at him.

They were both laughing and Tosh helped Maxi up.

Wait. Tosh? Maxi?

"Tosh? Maxi? Aren't you guys... The ABTM crew?" You ask.

"Yea! You a fan?" Maxi asked

"Not really but my friend is a mega fan." You reply

"Haha Would you like an autograph and picture?" Maxi continued.

You nodded, grinning. You whipped out your camera and you took pictures together. You found a notebook and pen in your bag and they signed it.

"Wanna hang out?" Tosh asked. "We can hang around together!"

You laugh and nodded. This day was gonna get interesting.....

Hope y'all like it! It's just a mini imagine written in a rush so if it sucks, I'M SORRY. TT^TT 
Good Night~~!! 


Saturday 4 May 2013

He's Not Worth It (Tosh)

P.S. ~~~~~ah= your name ^_^

“Agh...” you muffle a scream.

You were doing it once again. Dragging a knife across your wrist. You had tried to stop this habit time and time again but the pain you felt everyday was killing you. You felt that you had no choice but to result to this.

You were cutting yourself again. You couldn’t take the fact that your boyfriend was actually cheating on you. He was more than your boyfriend actually. He had actually proposed to you! Then you found out that he, already had a wife.

The blood from your wrist flowed out freely, before staining your clothes. You stood up, trembling. The room spun crazily around you. Everything was a blur. It felt like everything inside you was going to kill you. You couldn’t bear the pain. Letting tears flow freely down your face, you blacked out.

Your apartment was dark by the time you regained consciousness. How long were you asleep? You couldn’t give a damn. You sat up groaning. A sharp pain hit the back of your head. Your face was stiff with tears and your wrist stiff with dried blood. You stumbled to your room. The pain was worse than a mere hangover. You lunged into the bathroom and hurled whatever you had in your stomach into the toilet. But you had been practically starving yourself the past days so there was barely anything that came out, except for some saliva but that was all. You undressed and went into the shower, drenching yourself in cold water. The water made your wrist smart like crazy but you didn’t care.

You got out and towelled yourself roughly, before going to your wardrobe. You absent-mindedly pulled on your jeans and a white long-sleeved top. You had to cover your wounds somehow right? You dragged a brush through your hair and looked at yourself in the mirror. Normally you looked good whatever you wore. But now, you had dark circles under your bloodshot eyes and your skin was dry and scaly. You looked a mess. But at this stage in time, did you care?

You took your bag and was about to go for a walk when you realised. HE bought you that bag. HE gave it to you. You dropped it on the floor with disgust before grabbing your old bag. The one your friend from England, Tammy, had given you. You picked up the bag HE had given you and dropped it carelessly inside the bag. Then you left your apartment. Seriously. It was waaay past 1AM. How many people would actually SEE you?

You walked all the way until you reached East Coast Park. You were at Sector B, where few people went to. You took out the bag HE gave you and tossed it on the sand. You dropped tiredly on your knees and began to cry. You let out a shriek that could send birds flying. Pulling the knife out of the bag Tammy gave you and taking a deep breath, you dragged it up your leg and muffled a scream.


You spun around in shock. You didn’t think anyone would be here at 2AM.

“What are you doing?”

In the darkness you couldn’t make out who it was. You could see a tall male figure with a mohawk but that was all. He approached you slowly. You pulled out the knife and pointed it at him.

“I’m warning you buddy. Touch me and I will kill you. I HAVE A KNIFE.” You mumbled in fear.

“Woah. I don’t want to hurt you. Are you alright ma’am?”

“Who are you?”


Tosh... Tosh... Why did it sound so familiar?



Why did his name ring a bell in your head. The clouds cleared and in the moonlight you could dimly see his face.

It was Tosh Zhang. The annoying dude in your class. You used to go to tuition with him. He annoyed you every class. Tosh Zhang.

“Woah... ~~~~~ah..?” Tosh gaped.

“I don’t know you!” You scream, turning around and covering your face.

“~~~~~ah? Is that you?”

You dropped to your knees. You didn’t want him to see you. He had to go away. “Get lost.” you growl.

“~~~~~ah? What’s the matter?”


“Look I ain’t moving this ass. I’m sitting right here until you tell me what the f*ck is wrong.”

He sat next to you and tilted your face to meet his eyes. It really was Tosh. Who knew he had a nice side?

The next thing you knew, you were pouring everything out to him. He sat there silently while you wailed on.

“That’s the bag that bi*ch gave me.” You said softly, pointing at the bag which was floating on the waves that reached the shore. It was slowly being carried off.

Tosh stood up and went to the bag. Then he picked it up and hurled it across the water, so far that you couldn’t see it anymore.

“I want you. To make him disappear like that bag. That faggot doesn’t deserve you.”

Then he tried to help you up by holding your wrist.

“F*CK.” You scream.

Tosh had accidentally pressed on your cuts. You scared the hell out of him when you screamed. He immediately pulled you until you were standing and rolled up your sleeves.


You blush and pull your arms away, rolling back the sleeves then turning away.

“I... I have to go. Thanks.” You whisper hoarsely.

“Wait. I’ll give you a lift.”

“No need.”

“I don’t give a damn. I’m going to see you home and that’s final.”

You crack a small smile. Half an hour later you were back home. You looked up at the clock. It showed 4AM. Woah. Then you yawned.

Tosh helped you into your bed. The moment your head touched the pillow, you fell asleep. But just before you did, you heard Tosh say, “He’s not worth it. Just remember that.”

The next morning, when you woke up, pasted on your wardrobe in front of your bed was a piece of post-it note. You squinted at it.


A small smile crept onto your face. You pushed a strand of hair away from your face as you crawled to the edge of the bed. The sharp pain at the back of your head had evaporated like a puddle on a hot day. The pain which was killing you had gone. Your wrists were still hurting but you felt nothing. As you pushed yourself up, you felt a scratchy feeling on your wrists. Looking down, you laughed when you realised Tosh had bandaged your wrists while you were sleeping.

You got up and washed yourself. It was a new day, and you were also determined to make it a new chapter, a new book of your life. You were going to start over. And this time, a certain boy with the initials T.Z. was definitely going to be playing a main role in it..........

Chapter 3


I tossed and turned throughout the night. Giselle must be asleep for she had stopped singing.

It felt weird knowing that we were going into the army and fighting against the blasted commies. I shut my eyes, trying to fall asleep to the sound of the wind in the trees.

Restless sleep finally came. I dreamt a very weird dream. I woke up in a white room, with a white, extremely bright light which source I could not find. Suddenly it all faded into a dark pool of green. I found myself in the green army uniform, a back-breaking field pack on my shoulders, a rifle killing my arms, a helmet preventing me from thinking straight and heavy black boots that made my legs feel like stone. Vines grew from the soil and wrapped around me, tying me to the ground.

Part of the trees parted and a white pool appeared. I saw scenes of my life flashing in front of me. They were all of my life before my parents death. I didn't want to remember. I didn't want to see how it ended. I screamed, I struggled, I kicked and punched. A colourful list of words poured out of my mouth.

"GAHHHH!!!" I shrieked, sitting straight up.

"WHAT DA F*CK?" Giselle yelled,literally kicking down the door. Each of her hands gripped onto an army knife.

She relaxed when she saw my pale face, body drenched in cold sweat. She lowered the knives slowly and her shoulders relieved completely. She walked calmly towards me, dropping the knives on the mattress.

"I know you had one knife. Where did the other own come from though?" I asked weakly.

"It was in the trunk," she replied, poker-faced. "What happened?" She continued, sitting on the end of my mattress.

I told her about the dream. She smiled and gave my hand a squeeze.

"It's just a dream. It can't happen in reality. Don't worry about it," she whispered.

I looked at her face. I saw my pained face reflected in her eyes. In the dim moonlight, her eyes were like never-ending black holes.

I smiled and nodded my head. I lay down and Giselle went back to her own mattress.


The next morning, Giselle woke up first. She went to the bathroom to tape her chest in skin-coloured bandages.

When it was my turn, I took longer, fiddling with the bondages. It was easier for Giselle, being rather flat-chested already. I had to struggle for ages before I looked reasonably like a man.

After breakfast, I pocketed the last of the rice and took a deep breath. We were really doing this. Wow. I looked at Giselle. Her face was tight and stiff, showing no emotion. Did Jason really meant that much to her?

I looked around the place which I called home for the last time and picked up the suitcase.

“I’m gonna miss this place...” I whispered.

“Me too... I wish I had my instruments...” Giselle said.

I gave her a comforting smile. Then we both nodded at each other and set off. It was gonna be a long journey. On the ferry, I watched the island growing smaller and smaller in the distance. Giselle was lying on the seats with her legs propped up. I looked at myself. I was still sitting in a girly way. Oh sh*t. I had to act like a guy now. Time to learn from Giselle.

Giselle could be a tomboy when she wanted. But for me, it was harder. I was more ladylike. Would I survive? I uncrossed my legs and propped one up on the bench.

We reached Singapore really soon. Giselle took both our suitcases and walked out stolidly while I followed behind. When we reached the top, I took back my suitcase.

“Where do we go..?”

“Probably to Tekong..? Wait. Lemme check the map.”

Giselle went to search for a map while I sat on the bench. I pulled at the rough collar of the polo tee I was wearing.

“Tekong isn’t far from Ubin. Oh my God. are you effing serious. It’s behind Ubin.” Giselle laughed.

I rolled my eye playfully at her. This retard was my best friend.

“Anyway, it’s not like there’s a ferry on Ubin that’ll take us. C’mon. We should get moving!” I said.

Giselle nodded. We hailed a cab to take us to the SAF ferry terminal.

Halfway through, I realised an important factor we had left out.

“Giselle! What about our identification? We don’t have male passports!”

“One step ahead of you. Here.”

Giselle pulled out two passports from her pocket. One was Bruce’s and the other was Mr Lim’s nephew, Keithan, who was not only wheelchair bound, but also had a startling resemblance to Giselle. I took Bruce’s.

“Looks like from now on, My name is Bruce and yours is Keith.”

“Oh please. Call me Kian. Kieth doesn't suit me!” Giselle laughed, striking a pose. 

I laughed. Giselle always seemed to know how to cheer me up. My eye caught a glint of metal peeking through her collar.

“What’s that?” I asked, grabbing at it.

“DON’T TOUCH IT.” Giselle almost yelled.

“What is it?”

“It’s a locket I found. I never knew it existed until we packed. It fell out of the suitcase. It’s the last memory of my family, my music and Jason...”

She popped it open and I saw a bunch of people as well as Jason with his arm around Giselle. She had a smile on her face and looked happy, carefree. Instead of the current, hurt, stiffness she always wore. She snapped it shut.

We were quiet for the rest of the journey until we reached the terminal. Giselle thanked the uncle and dropped a $10 note in his hand before jumping out.

We crossed our fingers as we tapped the passports and the officers stationed checked our faces. With a stroke of luck, it worked and we were admitted into the ferry.

We sat at the back of the ferry, surrounded by a bunch of guys. This was our first step into army...


OK. So I’m pretty sure that SAF doesn’t take your attendance or whatever so lightly. BUT FOR THE SAKE OF THE STORY LET’S JUST THINK THEY DO! And I know this chapter is quite boring but it’s sort of a filler so deal with it. Hahaha Next chapter will have some humour. Promise~!! Have a nice day! Hahaha ^_^

XOXO Angel

Chapter 2


“I’m joining the Army.” I said.

“Giselle... You can’t...” Jessie said.

“Why not? If a guy can hold a rifle... Why shouldn’t a girl?”

Jessie contemplated my point.

"Look Jess. I'm not gonna just sit here all day through the war. I'm joining the army. I want to kill those f*cling commie bastards who killed Jason," I stated with confidence. My voice edged with sharp coldness that even I was surprised.

"Giselle... Are you sure?" Bruce whispered.

I looked at Bruce. His dark brown hair contrasted against his pale face. His jaw was grit, teeth framing his scarlet lips. His eyes reflected a pain I could not identify.

I nodded in response. My mind was made up. I wasn't going to let Jay's death be unfair. Those commies are going to die!

As if to reinstate my point, I pulled my pocket knife out and with a swift slice, locks of my hair fell to the ground and I was left with a short, cropped page-boy like hair style. I let a tear fall down my cheek at the loss of my hair but that was all.

"Giselle..." Bruce and Jessie whispered.

Suddenly Jessie jumped up.

"Then I'm coming with you!"

"What?!" Bruce shrieked.

I went to Jessie and flung my arms around her.

"Are you sure?" I whispered.

I felt her head nod in response. Jessie walked over to Bruce and squeezed him.

"Bruce. You and I both know it's for the best. Don't worry. I'll live. I will survive. I will come home alive. You can stay with Mr Lim. His house us in the middle if the forest next to the lake. You'll both be safe. Imagine sitting by the river and drawing!"

I smiled. I was going to miss this quaint island. I don't think I can bring my instruments along and that is the only bad thing. I will always remember playing in this shophouse with Jessie and Bruce. I will never forget this moment, this feeling now.

"We will leave the day after tomorrow. We have to pack. C'mon." I said.

Jessie and I went to our shared room. I took out the suitcase I used when I first arrived here. I hadn't touched it since. A cake of dust covered it. Taking a wet rag, I wiped it clean. The moment I opened it, a locket fell out.

"Eh?" I whispered in surprise as I'd never seen it before.

I popped it open. Inside was a picture of me surrounded by my precious instruments, my past friends and my loved family. With an arm draped around my shoulder was Jason.

"What's that?" Jessie asked from behind.

Snapping it shut, I shook my head. My grip tightened on the silver lump if metal.

"It's nothing. Keep packing."

When Jessie wasn't watching, I quickly fastened it around my neck. By the time we were done packing it was noon.

"Since you two are going to the army soon, we should spend our remaining time together happily. What do you guys want to do?" Bruce asked.

After some discussion, we walked to the lake nearby. Well, Bruce limped but I supposed he wanted to spend a longer time there with us so it took him faster than usual to reach the lake.

When we got to the lake, the clear blue water looked too inviting. The water was so clear I could see the reflection of the clouds. I turned to Jessie and winked. We sat on the rock where the trees shielded the sun yet could still dip our toes into the water if we stretched.

Jessie and I jumped into the water while Bruce played my ukulele. I had taught him some basic chords and he was a natural! We splashed around, sang songs and picked fruits for the entire afternoon. Even though it may seem like a meaningless afternoon to others, it was one of the best ones I had in a really long time.

I didn't want the day to end. But everything has to have an ending. Still sitting on the rock, we watched the blue sky fade into a mixture of pink, orange and amber. The red ball of fire in the distance had never looked more beautiful.

"I wish I could just stop time right here. Right now." Jessie whispered.

"I wish this moment would never end." Bruce mumbled.

The next day came and passed by all too quickly. Jessie and I brought Bruce to Mr Lim's place and explained the situation to him. After which, we went home and helped each other in the cutting of our hair.

I touched the short locks from m rash chop of hair. Jessie used her scissors to cut my hair until it looked shern. Then I did hers.

The last night in the house was too eerie. My instruments were all with Bruce and Mr Lim. All I had was my voice. But in the solemn silence of the night, my voice seemed like an ear-shattering, hair-curling screech.