Monday 8 April 2013

Basketball Is Just My Thang! (Tosh)

P.S. <A/N ~~~~~ah= your name ^_^>

You are in the same Secondary school as Tosh. Let’s just say girls aren’t allowed to join basketball. But you managed to convince the teacher in charge to let you join and try out. You’re the only girl. You always loved basketball and as long as you could play it, you didn’t really give a damn that you wouldn’t be able to take part in any competition.

You changed out of your uniform and into your PE attire. It was your first basketball practice with the team. You wanted to get there early to do a little warm up before practise started.

Leaving your school bag in class, you jogged to the basketball court carrying your own basketball brought from home. You sprinted a few laps and stretched,your usual exercise, before beginning to do ball exercises. You dribbled the ball around the court, did different throws with the ball. A few of the basketball guys were starting to fall in slowly. You ignored them as you practiced throwing the ball into the hoop.

Some of the guys ignored you, getting on with their own warm ups. But most of them watched as you threw. Out of the corner of your eye, you quickly checked out the guys.

‘Ew... Gross... Hm... He’s ok but not my type... WOAH. DAMMIT. HE'S F*CKING HOT!!!" You thought to yourself.

One of the boys who was watching you had caught your eye. He looked so cute as he drank from a bottle of water, especially his mole. You tried to ignore him and continue practicing. You were glad that you had caught the attention of at least a guy who was hot crush material.

“OK! Five more minutes before we start!” The coach shouted, blowing his whistle.

You saw the ‘hot guy’ turn away from you and walk off after the coach made the announcement.

‘Dammit!’ You thought. ‘Just when I thought I had his attention!’

Suddenly you felt yourself trip over something.

“F*CK!” You shrieked.

You felt yourself falling before hitting the hot ground.

“I am so sorry!” a voice said.

“It’s ugh. Screw you. It’s ok.” You muttered, standing up and straightening yourself.
Looking up at your tripper, you realised with extreme shock, that it was the ‘hot guy’. You gulped.

“I am truly sorry. Hey. Are you the new girl on the team?” He asked.

Your mouth seemed to have gone dry. Opening your mouth, you muttered, “It’s ok. Yea. I’m ~~~~~ah! You?”

“Hey! I’m Tosh,” he replied.

The coach blew the whistle. All of you quickly fell in and did warm ups. After hours of practice and dribbling and running and sprinting, the coach gathered all of you to give a debrief.

“Well, I am quite pleased with today’s performance. And some of you boys, have a LOT to learn from ~~~~~ah. Yes, she’s a girl and she is new. But she plays better than some of you guniangs! That is all. Thank you boys and girl!”

The bunch of you dispersed. You went to get your water bottle and took a long swig of your drink. Tosh came up to you.

“Hey! Nice moves out there! You're really good!”

“Thanks! You too.”

“Sorry about just now...”

“Ha. It's okay. No biggy. I don't even a scratch!”
Tosh’s friends wolf whistled at the two of you. “WA LIAO. TOSH. HITTING ON THE NEW GIRL ALREADY IS IT?”

“GO DIE LAH! F*CK YOU! LOL!” Tosh yelled back.

You blushed slightly but glared at them. Both of you walked to your class.

“Hang on. I want to change my shirt. I can’t stand reeking of sweat!” You said, before walking to the toilets.

Tosh just stripped and pulled over a new shirt. You changed out and sprayed yourself with deodorant.

By the time both of you finished changing and were ready to leave, you had already gotten to know a bit about each other.

“Taking the bus?” You asked.

Tosh nodded. You walked together and talked about everything under the sun.

“When I saw you at the court, my first thought was: WHAT DA F*CK? A girl playing basketball?”

“Well what can I say?” You cheekily replied. “Basketball is just my thang!”

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