Monday 8 April 2013

The Perfect Fall (Joshua)

"Vassup!" I heard my bestie Joshua call behind me. 

I turned and grinned. His short hair was blowing in the Aussie fall wind and he was grinning from ear to ear. 

"Ello!" I returned. 

Joshua and I have been friends for ages. We know all about each other. He knew all my deepest fears, all my secrets just as well as I knew his. We were inseperable. When he came up to me, he greeted me with our usual complicated secret friendship handshake. 

Joshua tousled my hair, knowing I hated it. I squinted at him and laughed. When he wasn't looking, I got my revenge by jumping on his back. 

"YEE HAR!" I screamed. 

"You don't know what you just got yourself into." He said before darting off. 

He piggybacked me all the way to the park before dropping me in front of the tyre swing. 

"Fancy a swing love?" he asked sweetly.

I nodded and sat down. Joshua started pushing me. Back and forth. Back and forth. I laughed, my hair flying in the cool breeze. 

Joshua watched me as I swung higher and higher. 

"What do you see up there?" he called. 

"I see London! I see Paris! I see Ireland!" I replied, shrieking with laughter. 

Both of us laughed. I was laughing so hard, I didn't notice I wasn't holding on properly. Before long, I couldn't feel the seat anymore.

"AHHHH!!!" my scream echoed through the empty park, as I felt myself falling... falling... falling...

"GOTCHA'!" Joshua shouted, as I landed in his arms. 

Sadly he didn't have a good grip. He caught me for a second before dropping me on the ground. 

"Seriously?" I asked sarcastically. "Thanks anyway Josh..." 

Feeling playful, Joshua knelt beside me and started tickling me. I squealed and rolled away. 

"Stop! STOP! STAHP!!!" I laughed. 

"What must you say?" he asked, laughing while continuing to tickle me to his hearts content. 


"PLEASE JOSHUA!! STOP T-T-T-TICKLING ME!" My stomach was beginning to hurt real bad.


"Then? Oh great, marvelous, strong, handsome Joshua! I beg you! Stop tickling me!"

"Hmmm... Almost. But nope."

"TELL ME!!!" I squealed. 

He stopped, sat bolt upright and looked at me. He seemed deep in thought for a second. Then he shook his head and helped me up. 

"What just happened?" I asked. 


We looked at each other and laughed. Cause we were Just. That. Crazy.

We walked along the path of the park till we reached the lake. The "park" was more like a small forest than a park. It was mainly trees and had no main path. Therefore no one really came here. 

Joshua climbed up our tree and helped me up. We called the tree ours cuz it was our favorite tree. It was our little hideout. The furthest branch hung out over the lake and it was sturdy enough for both of us to sit on it and dip our toes in the water. We had carved at the side of the tree: Joshua and ~~~~~ah property!

"Careful..." Joshua said, pulling me up. 

He edged over to the branch and helped me over. We sat and looked over the silver water. 

"Are you free tonight?" Joshua asked. 

"Sure why?"

"Come over to my place for dinner?"


We sat there the rest of the afternoon, chatting, playing, singing and basically larking about. 

Just before sunset, Joshua walked me home. When we reached my gate, we hugged each other and I went into the house. 

I climbed up to my room and rummaged through my closet. I pulled out my favorite light navy blue denim jeans, my white Gap singlet with dark pink, or rather rouge, stripes and lastly my dark brown leather jacket. 

I went into my bathroom and took a bath, rinsing off all the dirt from the park. Then I got dressed, applied some light blusher and went to pull on my boots. 

"Mom! I'm going to Joshua’s house for dinner!"

"You know the curfew! Be back by 10pm latest!"

I dragged on my black boots. It was a rather chilly fall night. Rather unusual. I got my bike out from the garage. I was too lazy to walk anyway. 

I pedaled to Joshua’s house and dismounted my bike at the gate. I unlatched the gate. The moment I wheeled my bike through the gate, a strong scent of fresh roses hit me. Next thing I knew, I was surrounded by lights. 

The lights were on the ground. It was a rainbow of colours. Red roses were surrounding the lights. It was such a beautiful sight. I gasped when I saw the words spelt by the lights and roses. 


The door flung open and there stood Joshua grinning. 

"So..?" he asked awkwardly. 

"DEFINITELY!" I laughed, running up to him and hugging him. 

He wrapped his arms around my waist before lifting me up above the ground and spinning me around. Everything was well, everything was great. Everything was perfect. 

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