Thursday 18 April 2013

It was only just a dream... come true? (Joshua)

P.S. ~~~~~ah= your name ^_^

Your face was streaked with tears. As was Joshua’s. You were in Melbourne for your holidays by yourself, when you met the Singapore actor, Joshua Tan.

“I don’t want to go... I’ll miss you...” you sobbed hard, burying your face in his chest.

“I know. I’ll miss you too...” He whispered back, choking on the tears.

“Oh Joshua...” You cried even harder. In fact, you had already cried so much that your eyes were dry.

The past few days were magical. You two had gone to the park, baked bread, gone swimming... It killed you to have to leave the Heaven Joshua had created with you...

“Oh my God. I am so sorry...” A young man said, hurriedly grabbing the Starbucks cup.

He quickly grabbed a bunch of napkins whilst you struggled out of your spring jacket. Despite it being summer, you decided to play a little fashionista and wear your spring jacket. You were walking into Starbucks when you bumped into an Asian man. The drink in his hand had spilled and splashed onto your jacket.

“Here...” He said, taking your jacket and dabbing at it with napkins. Your creme pants were fine. So was your army-print camo tank top. It was just the jacket thankfully.

“It’s ok... I don’t actually need it...” You laugh nervously.

He looked up at you. His eyes were a deep brown, hair short and a mole above his right eyebrow. A flash of recognition hit you but you couldn’t quite place who.....

“I’m seriously sorry.” he repeated again.

“Sir, it’s alright. Hey. You aren’t local are you?” you asked.

He shook his head. “Nope! I’m from Singapore!”

“Singapore? I’m from Singapore too! Oh wow. Coincidence!”

You both laughed.

“I’m really sorry about your jacket. Why don’t I wash it for you? I can return it tomorrow.”

You considered this option.

“Alright. What’s your number and address? I can collect it.”

He wrote his number on a slip of paper along with his address. You in return gave him your hotel room number. After which, you agreed to meet at Starbucks the next morning.

The next morning, sure enough, you found him sitting at one of the tables outside, your jacket in a paper bag.

“Hey!” he said, getting up.

You smiled and sat in the seat he’d pulled out for you.

“I’m still sorry about your jacket,” he said, sitting down.

“It’s fine. Seriously! No permanent harm or damage whatsoever! Except I’ll be smelling of lovely coffee~”

Both of you started chatting. You talked about everything under the sun. After one and a half hours, both of you got a bit restless but neither wanted to say goodbye.

“How about a walk along the river?” Joshua asked.


Both of you strolled along the river, laughing as you went. The scent of flowers surrounded you two and the grass tickled your feet. Both of you spent the entire day together, just getting to know each other. After the sun had set, Joshua walked you to your hotel and said goodnight.

You spent days together. And one week after the events, Joshua asked you to be his girl. You chewed your lip, contemplating for like, 2 seconds? Before you laughed a yes out. Joshua hugged you and spun you around in the air.

For the entire holiday, you spent your time with Joshua. You met his friends and even went for a bonfire at the beach with Joshua and his mates.

You remembered how the air was dense with bonfire smoke and you and Joshua had escaped to the edge of the water where you splashed each other with salt water. Joshua showed you how to play with skipping stones, the exact angle to throw them so that they would skip across the water.

Another night, you Skyped your family back home. Your big brother immediately got protective, asking Joshua questions. Joshua was nervous at first but gradually warmed up and was very polite and friendly towards them. But after you cut the call, Joshua heaved a sigh of relief.

“Phew! Your brother really loves you huh?”

You laughed and nodded, ruffling his short hair.

“But not as much as I love you,” You whispered, kissing him.

You both tried to ignore the fact that it was nearing the time for you to return home. But the nearer it got, the harder it became to ignore.

On the last night you spent together, Joshua tried his best to make it memorable. You baked bread together, went for a picnic in a park, went fishing and had a movie marathon at night, lasting until 3 in the morning.

You slept together, Joshua’s arms tight around your waist as if never wanting to let go. In the morning when you woke, the sun was shining through the window and made Joshua’s sleeping figure seem to glow. You were still pressed against his chest and you could softly hear his heartbeat.

“Psst... Joshua... Baby... Wake up...” You whisper, wriggling a little higher and kissing his cheek.

Joshua’s eyes cracked open and he smiled. After both of you had washed up and changed out of your pajamas, Joshua took you to the Starbucks you met at.

“This is where we met. I promise to come here everyday.” Joshua whispered into your ear.

You hugged him and both of you got a seat. Joshua helped you to order your food. In the meantime, you took out a book and started reading. All of a sudden, you saw a bright flash of light from the corner of your eye.

“Wtf?!” You exclaimed, jumping up.

You looked to see Joshua grinning at you.

“JOSHUA!” You laughed, swatting at him.

“What? Well it was a pretty scene... You looked very serene and peaceful while reading. Definite new wallpaper” He chuckled, sitting down.

As the day progressed, a lump formed in your throat. Time just flew by and soon you were both silent and standing at the departure gates.

“I don’t want to go... I’ll miss you...” you sobbed hard, burying your face in his chest.

“I know. I’ll miss you too...” He whispered back, choking on the tears.

“Oh Joshua...” You cried even harder. In fact, you had already cried so much that your eyes were dry.

“I know... I’ll miss you too...~~~~~ah...”

You both clutched each other tightly.

“I promise to call you every single day. No matter what’s the cost. I can Skype you, call you, email you, text you, whatsapp you...”

“Miss..?” The guard called me.

“You have to go,” Joshua choked.

“I don’t want to...”


“Good bye...”



“Excuse me Miss!”

“WHAT?!” You screamed, sitting right up.

The other passengers were staring at you. You blushed.

“We’re reaching Melbourne soon. Please return your seat to the upright position.” The air stewardess said.

You nodded your head. So it had all been a dream. A heartbreaking dream. In the few hours you had the weirdest dream in your life. You groaned, slapping your self. Your fingers brushed against a wet cheek. So you really had been crying. You sighed.

After the plane had touched down and you collected your baggage, you stepped out. The crisp Melbourne air hit you. The air was pure and beautiful. It was so fresh. You called a cab and went to your hotel. After checking in, you decided to go for a walk.

You went to the lobby and spoke to the lady at the help desk.

“Excuse me miss. Could you tell me the nearest place I could get a good cup of coffee?”

“Sure. Just take a walk down the road and turn right. Walk about 2 blocks and you’ll find Starbucks. Best cuppa I’ve ever drank!” She replied in her thick Australian Accent. <A/N: Aussie ‘slang’ for cup of coffee (I think. Maybe it’s tea *shrugs*) is a Cuppa>

“Kay! Thanks!”

You followed her instructions and got to the Starbucks. You pushed open the door and almost immediately collided with a man about to walk out. His coffee spilt on your jacket.

““Oh my God. I am so sorry...” A young man said, hurriedly grabbing the Starbucks cup.

He quickly grabbed a bunch of napkins whilst you struggled out of your spring jacket. Despite it being summer, you decided to play a little fashionista and wear your spring jacket. You were walking into Starbucks when you bumped into an Asian man. The drink in his hand had spilled and splashed onto your jacket.

“Here...” He said, taking your jacket and dabbing at it with napkins. Your creme pants were fine. So was your army-print camo tank top. It was just the jacket thankfully.

“It’s ok... I don’t actually need it...” You laugh nervously.

He looked up at you. His eyes were a deep brown, hair short and a mole above his right eyebrow. A flash of recognition hit you but you couldn’t quite place who.....

“Joshua..?” You whisper. “Joshua... Tan..?”

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