Thursday 4 April 2013

Best Mistake (Tosh)

P.S. <A/N ~~~~~ah= your name ^_^>

You just moved into a HDB in Woodlands. By early afternoon, the movers finished bringing up the boxes. There weren't many as you didn’t own a lot of possessions. You gave most of your stuff away to charity so there wasn’t much stuff left. You pushed the cream leather sofa against the newly painted purple wall and placed the red velvet loveseat below the window. You put the small magazine rack in between before decorating it with an indoor plant. You found the purple rug and rolled it out on the floor before pushing the glass coffee table on it.

Pleased with the temporary arrangement, you moved on to your bedroom. The movers had already helped you to put the bed, wardrobe and dresser inside. The bed was in the corner and the dresser in the other. The wardrobe was against the same wall as the dresser. You pushed your study table on the only empty wall left.

You arranged the furniture and decorated the house and by evening you were done. You walked through each room to ensure you were happy with everything. The purple living room, sea-blue master bedroom, black and white tiled kitchen, grey bathroom and whitewashed spare bedroom was not much but it would do. You vowed to decorate it more. Maybe orange swirls? Some inspiration will come to you soon.

You yawned. Moving was tiring work! You went to the kitchen and made some cup-noodles before sitting in the living room. You turned on the TV and was delighted to find that Running Man was showing on KBS. After an hour of much needed stress-relieving laughter, you got ready for bed. You dozed off smiling and slept a peaceful first night in your cosy new apartment.

The next morning when you woke up to your phone was ringing. You picked it up. It was your best friend, Angel calling to ask how you were doing at your new place. You laughed and told her/him that you were fine. After arranging to meet at Starbucks, you washed yourself and wrapped yourself in a kimono bathrobe while picking your outfit. While looking through your wardrobe, the doorbell rang. Absent-mindedly forgetting you were only in your underwear and a bathrobe, went to answer the door.

“Hey..........Oh.” An attractive young lad was standing at the door.

You looked down and quickly slammed the door.

“I’ll come back later! Sorry! I’m your neighbor!” He yelled.

“Ok!” You replied while blushing furiously.

Your heart was thudding. Not only because your new neighbor saw you in a bathrobe, but also because he was HOT. His hair was styled into a mohawk. His eyes were a captivating brown and there was an awkward mole on his left cheekbone. Awkward? Sure. Cute and attractive? YES.

Somehow you felt like you’d seen him somewhere. Shrugging off the feeling, you went to get proper clothes on. Pulling on a pair of frayed, acid-washed shorts and a deep purple batwing top over a grey singlet, you looked in the mirror and smiled, satisfied with what you had on. You styled your hair and put no more than some clear lip gloss on your face. You pulled on your converse and grabbed your handbag before leaving. You quickly made your way down to Starbucks.

“Hey!” You greeted each other.

You spent the entire day together, shopping and watching a movie. You only parted at evening before taking the bus back to your new apartment. You were listening to songs as you walked the small distance from the bus stop to your apartment. When you were in the lift, you started full-on SINGING. You stepped out of the lift while still singing. Skipping along the corridor, handbag swinging, you took out your key and tried to poke it through the keyhole.

“Why isn’t it going in?” You muttered

You started clanging the keyhole, jerking the key about.

“What. Da. F*CK?” a voice came through and yanked open the door.

You looked up and found yourself staring into the same captivating brown eyes. Well sh*t.

“Oh it’s you! Hey!” he laughed. “I didn’t expect you to come.”

“Er... Erm.. M... WELL SH*T.” You exploded laughing. “Sorry! Wrong door!”

Your neighbor laughed.

“Hey. I’m Tosh!”

“Hey Tosh! I’m ~~~~~ah!” you replied.

You both shook hands, grinning.

“Do you want to come in? I’m alone at home,” Tosh said.

“Erm, sure! Why not?” you replied.

You stepped into his apartment. Sitting on the couch, you introduced yourselves to each other. It turns out, both of you had a lot in common!

“Ah! It’s late! I should get back. Thanks for the soda! Good Night!” You said, getting up.

You went back into your apartment, smiling crazily. Even though you’d just met him, you felt a crazy connection to him. You did not see pictures of any girls around the house so he had to be single. You danced around the apartment as you got ready for bed.

That night, you went to sleep dreaming happy, sweet dreams of a boy with a mohawk, captivating brown eyes and a cute lil’ mole on his left cheekbone. Little did you know, the exact same boy was dreaming of a girl by the name of ~~~~~ah, who lived next door to him...

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